Wednesday, January 12, 2011

TUAW TV Live: Completely paper-free and now with fewer calories

"Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends..."

TUAW TV Live is back for another hour of discussion, chat, demonstrations and unplanned technical difficulties. Starting at 5 PM ET, I'll be firing up the cameras and studio lights, putting on my Apple logo'd hat and talking about everything that's happened in the world of Apple over the last week or two. Not that anything big has happened...

Following that, I'll be talking about ways that you can reduce the amount of paperwork on your desktop by using a few commonly available software tools and some relatively inexpensive hardware. If you're fired with enthusiasm to make your workplace (or home office) paper-free after the show, then consider getting a copy of longtime TidBITS blogger and Mac author Joe Kissell's amazing electronic tome on the topic -- Take Control of Your Paperless Office.

Thanks to the wonderful folks at Take Control Books, TUAW readers and TUAW TV Live viewers can get a 30% discount on this e-book. Just use the link above to view the description and purchase the e-book, and you'll get 30% off of the already bargain price of US$10. You can also manually enter in the coupon code CPN011310112UAW to get the discount.

To watch TUAW TV Live from your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments.

If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat.

We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you get the live stream.

(Photo: Flickr CC | Stephen Edmonds)

Continue reading TUAW TV Live: Completely paper-free and now with fewer calories

TUAW TV Live: Completely paper-free and now with fewer calories originally appeared on TUAW on Wed, 12 Jan 2011 16:55:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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